Become a Partner

Do you wish to support the Rencontres Musicales?

Your support helps us publicize our educational and cultural initiatives internationally.



Companies and private individuals alike may make a donation to the Rencontres Musicales association. Donations are tax deductible. It’s a sponsoring on 1 year base partnership which can be repeated. Annual financial support is set at 25,000 euro



Partnerships are reciprocal arrangements. Whether financial, technical or skills-based, the Rencontres Musicales undertake to offer partners free concert tickets, communication platforms and in some cases a private concert.


Support a Master Class

Annual financial support for a Master Class is set at €12,000

Support an IMUSE concert

  • Support a concert featuring a guest artist: €7,000

  • Support a concert featuring Master Class professors: €5,000

  • Support a concert featuring students: €3,000



Scholarships are available in an amount of €2,500 per student.